By car to Natz-Schabs in South Tyrol

Information on travelling by car

Natz-Schabs is very conveniently located and is easy to reach by car: The Brixen/Pustertal exit of the A22 Brenner motorway is only a few kilometres away.

Please note: If you are travelling to South Tyrol from the north via the Brenner motorway, you will need a vignette for the section in Austria. To save time, you can also purchase the vignette digitally online at

Travelling by electric car or hydrogen car
Charging stations and hydrogen refuelling stations in South Tyrol
South Tyrol has a dense network of charging stations for electric cars. You will also find charging stations in and around Natz-Schabs where you can charge your electric car. Hydrogen cars can be refuelled at the hydrogen filling station in Bozen. This requires a telephone booking (tel. +39 0471 196 4880)

The list of e-charging stations in South Tyrol can be found here.
Local mobility with the Natz-Schabs Card
Car-free and well connected
The environment takes centre stage here in Natz-Schabs. That's why the Natz-Schabs Card allows you to use public transport in South Tyrol such as regional trains, buses and selected cable cars free of charge. The Natz-Schabs Card is available free of charge from hosts who are members of the tourism co-operative. The personalised guest card is valid for the entire duration of your stay. Thanks to the central location of Natz-Schabs and the well-developed public transport network, you can discover Natz-Schabs, the surrounding area and the whole of South Tyrol in an environmentally friendly way.

The Almbus and the ski bus in Natz-Schabs also take you to the Alpine pastures and ski areas in the surrounding area.
More Info
Have a good journey! We look forward to your arrival in Natz-Schabs.