By train to South Tyrol

Travelling by train to Natz-Schabs

Would you like to travel to Natz-Schabs by train? You can find all the important information about travelling by train from Germany, Austria, Italy or Switzerland on this page and the links below.

Important to know: All international train connections stop at both Brixen and Franzensfeste railway stations. Both stations are only a few kilometres away from Natz-Schabs.
Local mobility with the Natz-Schabs Card
Car-free and well connected
The environment takes centre stage here in Natz-Schabs. That's why the Natz-Schabs Card allows you to use public transport in South Tyrol such as regional trains, buses and selected cable cars free of charge. The Natz-Schabs Card is available free of charge from hosts who are members of the tourism co-operative. The personalised guest card is valid for the entire duration of your stay. Thanks to the central location of Natz-Schabs and the well-developed public transport network, you can discover Natz-Schabs, the surrounding area and the whole of South Tyrol in an environmentally friendly way.

The Almbus and the ski bus in Natz-Schabs also take you to the Alpine pastures and ski areas in the surrounding area.
More Info
Have a good journey! We look forward to your arrival in Natz-Schabs.